Sunday, 16 December 2007
First Halloween
These are some pictures of Abigail on her first Halloween and it was also her first time sitting in her travel high chair. She was just over 4 months in these pictures. Her busy Daddy has just got the time to develop them.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 11:51 0 comments
Thursday, 29 November 2007
28th November 2007 - The Big Day - 1st attempt at food other than breastmilk. The second attempt today went better! She is just over 5 Months.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 22:00 0 comments
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Sweet Cousins
This was a sweet moment while sitting on Grannie's couch watching TV. Abigail is sitting with her big cousin Brennan (he is 18 months).
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 22:14 0 comments
I never know what to say on this thing so I will jsut give you what you all want, which is more pictures of Abigail! I think all of these are from our trip back to the mainland during David's October break week.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 21:56 1 comments
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Abby is about 13 1/2 weeks old here and found her laugh at 12 weeks old.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 19:10 3 comments
Monday, 1 October 2007
The Law of Baby dynamics
Becoming a parent makes you think. For hundreds, if not thousands of years, physicists and scientists worked to unravel the mysteries of the universe; the ultimate goal was to understand how it all worked. Every bit of creation worked as though clockwork, and all that we required was to develop sufficiently rigorous theories and we would be able to understand every part and predict the future course of events with absolute accuracy.
Then came the advent of quantum phyics. Quantum mechanics tells us that when we look at the universe at a very small scale (i.e. the size of atoms and smaller) we are entirely unable to predict the behaviour of particles. It's not that we just haven't developed sufficiently powerful theories yet, but rather, if our current theories are correct, it absolutely impossible to predict what any particular atom, electron or proton will do.
So, I hear you ask, what does this have to do with parenthood? Well, this uncertainty, this "quantum wierdness" is not supposed to manifest itself at larger scales than the atomic realm. Hence we are able to build cars and bridges and computers, knowing what they will do given certain circumstances. We are also able to map out the behaviour of the stars and predict solar eclipses down to the very second. The universe with which are familiar is solid and predictable. Well let me tell you, having a child sure makes you question that! I am coming to the conclusion that children are the exception to this rule, the area of the "real world" in which quantum uncertainty must play a major part. How else do you explain the way in which a 3 month responds to exactly the same situation two days in a row in entirely different ways?!? How else do you explain the sudden, unprovoked outbursts of inconsolable screaming, the on-off faviouritism (I'm a momma's girl... no I'm a daddy's girl) and the uncanny ability to wake up the moment the parents have two minutes for themselves?? It's the only answer really; Baby dynamics and infact mechanics, the new frontier of physics. It should have its own Nobel Prize. The Nobel Baby prediction prize!
But for all that, then there are these moments, when you are bowled over by something as simple as a smile. When your child laughs (at you, or at the inanimate clock on the living-room wall) you realise that something indescribable has happened in your life and you are thankful to God that inspite of your failings and inadequacies and inexperience, your child is thriving and growing and flourishing. May he help us all to be the parents that these wonderful kids deserve!
And yes, as the science-related rant would indicate, this was David writing, not Deborah.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 22:50 1 comments
Sunday, 16 September 2007
More pictures
Hey everyone. It's a blustery night, and it's getting late, so I won't be writing much. It's been a busy few weeks, what with work for David and the load of caring for Abigail for Deborah. Deborah's mother is visiting this week, and David's parents with Daniel arrive on Friday. Abigail is coming along so fast it's unreal. We starting to think she'll be an early talker, if she continues to make noises like she is now. She is also beginning to take her weight on her legs, and her head is starting to look more hairy!
We've added a few pictures to the Flickr site, all taken since we've been on Lewis. Hopefully we'll get some more on soon.
David, Deborah & Abigail
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 23:28 1 comments
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Arrived safe
Hey everyone,
Just a quick post this time to let you all know about our move. We drove from Stirling to Ullapool on Tuesday, making great time and checking into a B&B at 10:45pm. Then we caught the 9:30am ferry the next day. We were stunned by the scenery on the way out of Loch Broom, until Deborah fell asleep under the influence of anti-sickness tablets and David was left to be stunned at the scenery for the rest of the (relatively) smooth journey by himself. Abigail slept the whole time. What a star!
We got to Stornoway at 12:15, and after taking care of some business, most important of which was feeding a ravenous child, we got to our new Home in Breasclete about 2:30. Meanwhile, Mum and Dad Renwick (with Pepper) in the Micra, Dad Chapman and Daniel in a hired van and Colin Hinde from the Northside congregation in "the Ark" minibus were on the ferry from Uig on Skye, and arrived at Tarbert on Harris at 3:45. Mum and Dad made it to the house in about an hour; the others got lost and took 2 hours. We then upacked the van, ate fish and chips, built a bed or two, and slept.
I am now in Stornoway, using wi-fi at a computer shop. We don't have a telephone line installed yet (so no Internet connection either), but those of you who receive emails from us will get our telephone number as soon as we know it.
That'll do for now. I'll have to go take care of more business, and Deborah and her parents are busy working at the house and buying groceries. Until next time...
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 14:14 0 comments
Monday, 6 August 2007
The transition
Well, we are now officially in limbo. The lack of postings over the last 3 weeks is a reflection of the increasing stress we have been under during that time. I start work at the Nicolson Institute in Stornoway on Monday the 13th of August (only a week from now!) and we had to be out of our flat in Glasgow by Friday the 3rd. Ad into the mix the total lack of information from Lewis estate agents on rentals, and we had an acutely worrying time; as distant a move as is possible in Scotland, no house to go to, and not much time to arrange it all. After several weeks of getting nowhere, I finally relented last Tuesday and flew up to Lewis to go see a couple of properties. At the end of the day, we had agreed in principle to take a 3-bedroom house in the village of Breasclete, on the West of the Island. Since then I have made repeated phone calls in an effort to get our new letting agent to get moving, and our old letting agent to send a referrence for us. Friday arrived, and we had an exhausting day, emptying the flat in Yoker. Dad Chapman and Colin Hinde did a Sterling job of getting every available space in the van filled, but we still required the use of a minibus also. Today, I spent lots of money booking 4 vehicles to sail on Wednesday, and the new landlords have assured us that we are free to move in, even if the letting agents have got the paperwork completed. Tomorrow, we drive to Ullapool, and by Wednesday evening, the move will be complete. So its been interesting.
"What about Abigail??" you all scream! Well, Abigail is coming along by leaps and bounds. Not only does she study the world around her with rapt attention, but she is developing a sound control of her neck muscles, strong legs and does a good job of sleeping at night. We have had a few issues with colic over the last couple of weeks, but gripe water and InfaCol are making this easier to deal with. We are having a great deal of fun watching her interact with the world around her, and we're starting to think that we are on the receiving end of honest-to-goodness smiles! It's exciting stuff!
So for now, we're getting ready to move. Into our car seats, and hold on tight!
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 23:22 1 comments
Saturday, 14 July 2007
2 Weeks Old
Today, after a visit to Dobbie's garden centre in Stirling and then another mammoth feed, she had her first experience of her new bouncer chair with builtin vibration. She seemed very taken with it, apparently enjoying the raised vantage-point and, again, overhanging toys. All of her grandparents were present, so of course there were 3 cameras and a video camera recording the event. I took this fun picture looking through one of the toys and thought it needed to be shared with the world!
Abigail had her first visit from a health visitor on Monday, and was pronounced as doing very well. Most encouraging of all was the news that her weight was 7lbs 7.5oz! That's 5.5oz up on her birth weight and confirms what a good job her momma is doing of keeping her well fed!
Tomorrow, we are heading for her other grandparents house to spend the week. More to follow.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 00:54 4 comments
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
One week Old!!!
It's amazing how quickly things change. At the beginning of last week we were wondering if this child would ever arrive; what would we have? Would we get on? How would we ever adjust to being parents? Now, it's hard to think of Abigail never having been with us! And to find yourself completely, overwhelmingly and inexplicably driven to protect and care for a tiny, helpless child who just 8 days ago was still unknown to you..... it truly is amazing! Deborah and I love our daughter more than words can describe.
Of course, it hasn't all been sweetness and light. Last night was a bit tough. Abigail simply wouldn't settle down, no matter what we did, and struggling with tiredness as we are, neither of had a particularly easy time of it. I'm still struggling a bit with the intricacies of changing those tiny little nappies whilst she squirms and kicks and generally makes a nuisance of herself. And poor Deborah has to be ready to feed her every 2-4 hours!
We made our first trip out with her yesterday; to Mothercare of all places. It was quick drive from Stirling to Falkirk, followed by a jaunt in the buggy and a drive home. So she is now a veteran car passenger!
Ok folks, that's all for now. My apologies for the rambling nature of this post; the thought processes of the sleep-deprived! More soon. God Bless you all.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 23:30 1 comments
Sunday, 1 July 2007
The Introduction
Hello everybody! This is the event which has prompted the setting up of this little endeavour. The arrival, on Wednesday June 27th 2007, at 6:45am, of Abigail Faith Chapman. She made a sudden entrance into the world, seeing as it was just 2-and-a-half hours between Deborah waking up, thinking she might be in labour, and the delivery in Stirling Royal Infirmary.
We left Yoker in Glasgow at 5:45, arriving at the hospital at 6:15. For those of you familiar with driving the geography of Scotland, you'll appreciate that this required me to be driving rather quickly, but we really thought that we were going to deliver a baby at the side of the motorway, so I am entirely unrepentent. The midwives, who were friends of Deborah's, were fantastic. They were surprised at how far on she was, but didn't miss a beat. And so, after just a half hour in the labour ward, we had our new arrival!
As I'm sure you'll appreciate, this marks the beginning of a whole new phase of life for the two of us, since we are now the 3 of us. Hopefully, we'll be able to chronicle here the adventures to come. Watch this space for news of family, our move to Stornoway and of course, Abigail's first year.
Posted by David, Deborah, Abigail, Anna Jane and Aleah at 21:49 1 comments