David's birthday was in February and mine is in March. We celebrated David's birthday twice, once while visiting family at the start of the month and then again on his birthday when we were home.
For my birthday it started as a normal day - kids, meals, laundry, cleaning. Then while I was upstairs dealing with clothes and laundry I thought "wouldn't it be funny if I looked out the window and saw my mum coming in" and guess what, I did! David had arrange it as a surprise. Not only my mum but Kristen and the boys, JA would meet us at the Red House for dinner later. We had a reasonable meal considering we had 5 small children with us. Upon returning home we had a wonderful mars cheese cake made by Kristen.
This year we have tried to make sure that we are all together as much as possible for any family occasions since these are the first ones without Dad.
Easter came around and we decided to do our egg hunt on Saturday so we could pick the time of day and be relaxed with it. The girls had great fun finding the eggs and other treats that we hid around the garden even though half our fence was lying on the ground as the wind had snapped the posts a few weeks before. They had just found the last treat when it started to rain so it was perfect timing. Then on the Sunday we had a wonderful Sunday lunch at the home of Michael and Maureen. Their kids and grand kids were there so it was a full house and with 3 young babies they all took turns napping in the pram. After lunch and play time the kids all had another egg hunt. So all in all it was a fun Easter. Also over the Easter break we had JA, Kristen and the boys came to stay for a “sleep over” and as always we had a great time together.
The last big event was David's return to work after the Easter break. It wasn't too bad and I counted down the last 8 weeks before the summer break.
Oh, I guess there was one more event before the summer. David had a couple of days off to take so we used one so he could have a long weekend. We headed down to stay with my mum again as David was preaching at East Kilbride. During our time down it was JA's birthday so again we all gathered for support and to celebrate his day.
Of course I have included more pictures of the girls.
Okay, I loaded the pictures backwards but there is far to many to change it so the first pictures are actually towards the end of the time.
Relaxing in front of the TV after a busy day.
Playing in the field outside the front of our house
At Aden Park
Picnic time
This kid is such a hoot!
The girls all love each other so much
Fun with Lewis and Libby on Easter Sunday
Emily and Aleah
Girls finding Easter surprises
Egg Hunt
1st "solid" food, baby rice
Good Hair Day
I went to get her for her bath and found this....
AJ called me over and told me she had drawn a tree!
Cutie pie
Face painting from the grand opening of the new park
We put new flooring in the dining room and since all the furniture was out we emptied the ball pit balls into the room and latterly put up their tents and tunnel.
Sick day. We were all ill and had very sore throats so I gave the girls lolly pops to keep their throats moist. They never usually have them.
Cousin Brennan's 5th Birthday party
When we eat strawberries we do strawberry tongues!
I walked in to see this........
At the Red House for my birthday dinner
Abby's first washing up experience
Having cupcakes at the indoor playroom
Our smiley Aleah
Chocolate girl!
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